Cyberport tenant HKHPC recognised for excellence in intellectual capital

The Hong Kong Institute of High Performance Computing (HKHPC), a Cyberport tenant, was recently awarded the certificate of excellence in intellectual capital management (ICM) by a consultancy programme jointly organised by the Intellectual Property Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Trade and Industry Department.
The Intellectual Capital Management Consultancy programme is a free consultancy service that helps small and medium sized businesses to further their understanding of ICM, and help them maximise their potential in this area.
The HKHPC is one of three participating companies awarded the certificate in excellence for its intellectual capital report published in May 2009 to shareholders. The report summarised the core value and innovative capacity of the knowledge based enterprise and documented its entire ICM process.
The HKHPC was set up in 2002 by Dr. Lam Wai-Kin to create a platform for enthusiastic researchers to join various projects in the area of high performance computing, cluster computing and grid computing, primarily in Hong Kong. It also carries out promotion, education and training initiatives as part of a strategy to support the technological advancement and promotion of supercomputing.
“The award-winning intellectual capital report has helped the organisation to identify untapped business potential, and strengthen its structural capital on top of its already mature human and relational capital,” said Dr. Lam. The findings have also enabled the management of HKHPC to conduct a major restructure of the institution including the introduction of formal organisational strategies to facilitate creation and knowledge transfer, and establish new business opportunities.
“As a beneficiary of the intellectual capital management exercise, HKHPC is willing to share its experience with other institutions and enterprises at the appropriate occasion,” noted Dr. Lam.
Cyberport would like to take this opportunity to warmly congratulate the HKHPC for this award, and looks forward to seeing the Institute further its developments in this area.
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