Hong Kong Health Protection Centre(HKHPC)
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) is a public health agency established in June 2004 under the Department of Health. the mission is to achieve effective prevention and control of diseases in Hong Kong in collaboration with local and international partners. CHP is committed to protecting the health of the community, promoting healthy living in the community, and partnering with stakeholders.
In fighting communicable diseases, CHP focus on the ‘3Rs’ – real-time surveillance, rapid intervention and responsive risk communication. Meanwhile, we continue to strengthen the surveillance system, infection control and laboratory diagnostic capacity; implement vaccination programmes; draw up emergency response plans; conduct risk communication and health promotion activities; and develop applied research and training programmes. For non-communicable diseases, CHP puts emphasis on promoting healthy living in the community, and the ‘Strategic Framework for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases’ has set out a comprehensive strategy and goals.
Public health can only be achieved through the organized efforts of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals – collaboration is the key to the goal. Internally, CHP adopts a multi-disciplinary and an integrated approach in our work; externally, CHP forges partnerships with stakeholders from the healthcare and other sectors, and maintain close ties with the Mainland China as well as regional and international health authorities.
CHP built this website to share knowledge and developments in public health protection. Apart from facts, guidelines, periodicals/publications, and other related information, CHP have included links to a wide range of resources and agencies. CHP hopes to bring health matters closer to the community so as to increase the public awareness and knowledge in disease prevention and control.
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